Monday 1 December 2014

Home repairs: floor tiles!

Ta Da!
Semi-final, next: grout
I like these small projects. Old dog, new tricks! I've never done tiles, since a large room would be too much for a new project.

We have 12 tiles in front of the wood insert fireplace in the basement. Well, had. Whilst lifting, and dropping some logs, I managed to break some tiles last winter. This isn't normal.

I had to lift them all and replace them.
Yes. If you look closely, you'll see that the tiles were installed with 9 small circles of glue. Likely done 20 years ago. Not a good strategy.

I'm so glad there are lots of How-To shows and videos on-line!

Just a small job, requiring only 12 tiles, I was directed to a small box of Thin Set. I didn't buy more, as the box looked big. Fancy marketing, you'll note the dry thin set only takes up half the space of the 4 kg box. Très deceiving...
I was 2 tiles short of Thin Set. Back to the store, after 10/12 tiles were laid, the only amount of thin set was an 11kg bag. I should throw it up on Freecycle!

One thing I'd forgotten from hiring someone to install them, you can choose the colour of the grout and it makes a difference. Mine was in the cupboard from the previous owners. It was stark white. I rubbed some ashes into it to change the colour and dull it some.
Only half full. Crikey.
A great receptacle for the old tiles:
a kitty litter box. Very strong!
Ironically, the tile was made in Brazil
For entertainment, I was watching
World Cup soccer in Brazil!


Judy said...

Gotta keep learning new stuff!!! I like the results!

Cloudia said...

Good on you, Jenn 🌴

William Kendall said...

I'd be out of my element trying that!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Nice work!!! YAMxx

DeniseinVA said...

You did a great job, it looks wonderful!

Jen said...

Good job! Maybe you can think of another project for the rest.

Red said...

Little repair jobs can sometimes get way over our heads. Good on you for doing the tiles.