Monday 19 April 2010

Walk on the wild side III

I wonder why the birch trees seem to fall so often.
Maybe it is my imagination?


Ann said...

Maybe the white birch is just more visible and noticeable on the forest floor-the other fallen limbs blend in and visually disappear?

Travis Erwin said...

Maybe they have shallower roots?

Nancy Tapley said...

Birch trees, while beautiful, are very short lived (as trees go...) Not for the lovely silver birch the life span of the mighty Oak, which grows for 300 years, lives happily mature for 300 years, and then spends the final 300 in slow decay (much like myself??? )
On the plus side, you can harvst bark from these fallen birch, completely guilt free, and they provide wonderful habitat for the growth of artist's fungus, too.

EG CameraGirl said...

They do seem to fall often - not your imagination at all! Perhaps they are not long-lived trees.

Jenn Jilks said...

Excellent posits, all. Nancy, you nutbar! I love you!!! I feel you are an old soul.