Saturday 23 May 2009

Camera Critters #59: cats tree raccoon

The bugs are bugging the raccoons as much as the rest of us. She gives herself a good scratch, then comes up on the deck for supper.

Here is the chase scene: our lactating raccoon trying to eat her bird seed. She sees me trying to take a photo, goes down the post and back up the post three times until...

The cats chase her off the deck and treed her. A good time was had by all.Camera Critters


2sweetnsaxy said...

That must have been fun to shoot. :-) Great video clip too.

Snap said...

Laughed at the *a good time was had by all*! At least everyone is busy! Fun photos! Thanks!

Jenn Jilks said...

Thank you! They do give rise to many blog posts. I cannot wait to get some vid of the raccoon who likes to take up the chain for the finch feeder. I saw her do it last night, didn't have the camera handy. :'(

Teena in Toronto said...

We have raccoons in our garbage area every now and then.

I played too :)